How we rethink.
Now is the time to rethink how we do business, but how do we create change that lasts? As Einstein wisely said – ‘We cannot solve our problems with the same level of thinking we used when we created them.’
We don’t need incremental change. We need transformation. Putting plasters on symptoms, won’t cut it any longer. True transformation always touches the fundamental ‘systemic challenges’ of an organisation. It creates friction with all the patterns that have run your business in the past. Transformation requires us to let go of the old, and create space for something new to emerge. Therefore, true transformation is always a journey of vision, courage and perseverance.
We support our clients on this journey by first helping them identify the key challenges and levers for transformation. To get them to start rethinking their organisation we use Theory U Methodology and our model for ‘spirited organisations’.
We focus our approach on the key elements that need to be balanced to create long-term success.